Elegant skjeggtrimmer kam, som hjelper deg med å forme og trimmer skjegget ditt mye enklere. Resultat blir utrolig fint og still trimmet skjegg.
Nytt skjegg former kam, for en perfekt linet og symmetrisk klipt skjegg.
Den ultimate skjeggkammen. Med denne kan du enkelt forme skjegget akkurat slik du vil ha det, uten av høvelen eller maskinen plutselig lager stygge hakk.
Popular Hair Comb Beard Shaping Tool
Popular Hair Comb Beard Shaping Tool A Gentlemanes Hair Trim Cut Tools
- For shaping and grooming the modern facial hair and beard with built in combs and dynamic curved and straight-edged templates, trimming and creating smooth-edged lines for a sophisticated look is quick, easy and affordable
- SHAVE STRAIGHT LINES EVERY TIME; In the comfort of your home, recreate the steady hands of a barber with this DIY trimming and shaping tool
- SO DYNAMIC IT SHAVES MORE THAN JUST YOUR BEARD; You can use it to cut and create multiple styles for your sideburns, your hair and neckline and much more in perfect symmetry
- GET TRANSPARENT RESULTS; This beard shaping tool is clear and gives you a full view as you trim for better results
- OUR ALL IN ONE DESIGN; Allows you to comb as you go and makes it easy to apply beard oil or balm for that conditioned, thick look.
Item Type: Comb
Size: Full Size
Model Number: Comb
Material: Plastic